Relatievely new to search funds. During my MBA, I interened in the summer helping out a searcher find a company for acquisition, which we did- a roofing company. Additionally, I did 2 PE internships during the fall and spring months to help me get familiariy with M&A, LBOs, financial analysis, etc. In the 9 months of internships, I learned a lot but still consider myself a novice. I am looking to start my search fund and eventually quit my full time job as I get deeper in. With all that said, can anyone help educate me or suggest a way to learn about raising funds, sourcing deals? I want to stay local to IL, however I am somewhat open to relocation. I would personnaly love to buy a food broker because of my passion around brand management and my career goals in that space. Additionally, my wife works for a food brokerage so a lot of education and training is alreay there with knwoledge transfer.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited.
