Situation- The business will have deferred revenue of, let’s assume, 100k. The business paid a 10% commission to staff that sold those packages to clients. The business also has a 5% marketing cost overall. This is not a subscription-based business, and therefore, the revenue is recognized as the services are rendered. There is a 12-month expiration policy for clients to use the service they bought or loose it. It’s non refundable upon sale. Historically, 20% will never redeem it.

Owner proposed- will leave inventory to cover the consumable cost + direct labor cost of providing the services post closing. (Preposterous proposal)

Are there standard practices or accounting principles I can leverage in such scenarios, or does this fall under Wild West territory?

This would be debt on balance sheet. If I rendered the services, I should recognize the revenue and the profits related to it. Or do I have to actually use “fair value of the obligation”?

or to make it simple
Deferred revenue- direct sales cost= debit to new owner at closing.
