My name is Edgar, and I'm the Vice Chairman of Great Western Technologies (GWT).

We have an IT service provider under LOI with $430k as the downpayment for a $4.3M loan.

GWT consists of a board of directors with several years of M&A experience who have participated in transactions ranging from $10M - $200M.

The board of directors that I've assembled at GWT is ecstatic to be partnering with an IT syndication company with members looking to sell and refer business to each other.

I'm sending you this email because your LinkedIn profile indicates that you might be investing in good deals.

The 3 significant factors that will drive the future growth of this rollup are: 1. It's a pre-syndicated rollup where all the CEOs are already working together. 2. Free cash flow covers the debt service more than 2x, and it has an exceptional board of directors to drive growth from that foundation.
3. The new pre-agreed upon initiatives are ready to start generating new profits.

This is a unique opportunity to invest in a pre-syndicated rollup.

Please review the one-pager and let me know if it interests you.

Here is the deal's one-pager.

Sincerely, Edgar