Curious about what unfolds once the LOI is executed?

I'm considering putting together a series to demystify the post-LOI due diligence journey, delving into real-life deals we work on at Rapid Diligence.

The goals are simple:
1️⃣ Share the details of the deal (type of business, size, location, etc.)
2️⃣ Divulge our firsthand discoveries during due diligence — the triumphs, the trials, and the lessons learned, providing valuable insights for your own deals
3️⃣ Disclose the fate of each deal and the conclusions drawn from our findings

Of course, we're going to anonymize all identifying information, seek consent from clients, and only reveal findings post-close.

⚠️ Here's where I need the Searchfunder community's input ⚠️ As an #SMB buyer, would you find this valuable? If so, what specific aspects pique your interest?

This will require considerable effort on our part so I'd love some feedback to gauge if this is something folks will find useful.

I'm hoping initiatives like this can cultivate a greater culture of shared knowledge within the #SMB community!