Seeking capital.
Opportunity to invest in a leading digital health company that developed a leading pandemic management service application that helps healthcare managers identify risks in pandemic preparedness and monitor compliance which are critical to current and future outbreaks and disasters. This ‘smart’ decision-support algorithm for hospitals and governments which has won a global award from the International Hospital Federation, due to advanced features that identify 30% more compliance risk gaps compared to existing tools, achieve 90% reduction in management time for comprehensive outbreak response (7 days work reduced to 4 hours), and extensive cost savings - $7 for every $1 spent on preparedness. The company is seeking $3m USD for 30% equity for a 10m USD pre money valuation. Their revenue model so far includes: - Platform and implementation fees: $3,000 - $300,000 - Annual SaaS Licensing & Support: $30,000 - $3,000,000 Revenue Projections for the next five years###-###-#### : 2022 - $389,440 2023 - $4,325,280 2024 - $12,229,200 (break even point) 2025 - $25,391,889 2026 - $49,023,702 Breakdown of such projections are amongst 3 tier clients: 1. Hospitals - $30,000 p.a. 2. Health Systems & Corporations - $250,000 p.a. 3. Governments - $3,000,000 p.a. Exit Strategy by 2026 would either be a Trade sale or IPO, in various directions proclaimed below: > Consulting firms - Deloitte, E&Y, KPMG Health. To differentiate from competitors & expand service offerings into governments and hospitals. > Tech/AI companies - Apple Health, Microsoft Health. To expand product offerings into the healthcare market. > Private Equity - Investments in health care commercial systems. To generate further value and stable ROI growth. The company's traction to date includes • 4x Beta trials successful in Australia • Average Customer Rating 9.5/10 • Global Award Winner from the International Hospital Federation (IHF) for COVID-19 Response effectiveness • Governement backed project, with total grants of $575,000 AUD to date To enquire about this offer further, email to schedule a quick call.

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