Seems every pitch deck I see on the web for examples are for VC based startups. Building out my deck now and here is what I have included. What am I missing?

1. About: Rough summary of the deal (company) under LOI and the fact that I am a self-funded searcher.
2. Industry: This is the "Problem" with facts about the industry the company operates in and current market conditions.
3. Key Strenths & competencies: This is the "Solution" built around a deeper history of the company and the highlights about why they are desireable for acquisition, and solve the problems highlighted in the previous slide.
4. Strategic Goals: This is th 5 year plan for growing the company. Includes financial targets and operations targets.
5. Clients: Overview of where the business gets their revenue.
6. Competitors: Key metrics defining where they fit in with top competitors.
7. Business Model: This highlights how they fit into the marketplace as compared to competitors.
8. Founder: Highlights about the head of the Search Fund, who will take on the CEO/President role and head operator. Team info would be included here is there were additional partners.
9. Funding: Graphic showing use of funds including SBA Loan, Seller Note, Equity Investment, and Searcher Investment
10. Financial: Projected financials for 5 years covering the expected length of the investment term. Includes Gross Sales, COGS, GP, Operating Expenses, Op Income, Net Income, and EBITDA.
11. Investment Targets: Covers high-points of LLC Block Size and Quantity, Preferred Note Target, Preferred to Common Blocks/Shares Multiple, Target IRR, Target MOIC

Also, would love to hear what you did different and what slides you felt were most impactful if you successfully raised funds!