As a researcher, I’m gathering data on the timeframes involved in buying and selling small and midsize businesses (SMBs), particularly the outsourced tasks.

Objective: To understand the duration of outsourced tasks in SMB transactions. This information can enhance our understanding of the overall dealmaking process and timelines.

Data Needed: The number of calendar days from when you outsourced tasks to when you received the final output (report, decision, funding, etc.).

Why This Matters: This data can help forecast dealmaking durations more accurately. It’s important to note that some of these tasks may occur concurrently.

Your Contribution: Please identify your role (buyer/seller, advisor, lender, etc.) and (hopefully) the purchase/sale price of the completed deal(s).

Survey vs. Anecdotes: Estimates from a larger population of dealmakers are more valuable than anecdotal information from a few individuals.

Invitation to Participate: Everyone involved in the process is encouraged to participate as each role offers a unique perspective.

Outsourced Activities: We’re interested in the completion times for outsourcing the following activities:

• Lawyers (LOI, legal due diligence, sale/purchase contract, etc.)

• Accountants (accounting/adjustments, accounting/financial due diligence, quality of earnings, etc.)

• Lenders (application-to-funding; not just approval)

• Business appraisers (assignment-to-report)

• Industry experts (assignment-to-report)

Additional Activities: Are there other tasks you’ve outsourced (e.g., fundraising from investors)? Please share those as well.