You've likely heard about Pursuant Capital’s SMBootcamp Live here in Tampa...

But in case you haven't, let me fill you in:

Our three-day crash course aims to halve your journey to SMB ownership through our proprietary self-funded searcher playbook, our top-flight Deal Team, and our vast network of investors + deal flow.

Here's a sneak peek into all three days + more:

Day 1) How to Search & Make an Offer

Section 1: Welcome, Introductions, + Overview

· Attendee Introductions

· Bootcamp Overview

· Overview of ETA

· Traditional vs. Self-Funded Search

· Self-Funded Search: The Bright Future of ETA

Section 2: Deal Screening

· Search Criteria: Big 3, Second 2

· Nailing Your Elevator Pitch

· Initial Diligence 101

· Don't Spend Time on Deals That'll Never Close

· How To Successfully Work With Biz Brokers

Section 3: How to Search & Build a Pipeline

· Why Time is Everything in Self-Funded Searching

· Learning What Deal is "Good Enough" For You

· Setting Up Your Search: Blocking + Tackling

· Why A Strong Pipeline Is Key

· Direct vs. Intermediary Approach

· Importance of Intermediary Approach in Self-Funded Searching

· Outreach Strategies + Tactics

· Searching CRM 101

Section 4: Valuation

· Multiples 101

· EBITDA vs. SDE + Which To Use?

· Earnings "Bridge"

· Add-Backs 101

· Importance of DSCR

· Financial Modeling 101

· Tricks From The Front Lines

Section 5: Offer Letters

· LOIs 101

· Where are LOIs in the M&A Process?

· Real LOI Review Case Studies

· Structuring LOIs That Work For SBA

· Should You Submit Multiple LOIs at once?

Section 6: Bank Loans (SBA)

· Presented by Bruce Marks with First Bank of The Lake

Night 1) Group Dinner #1

Day 2) Due Diligence & Capital Raise

Section 1: How To "Quarterback" Your Deal

· Hire Great "Position Players"

Section 2: M&A Tax

· Presented by Mark Edler and Maher Abduselam with Builders CPA

Section 3: Accounting & QoE

· Presented by Mike Jerman with Hollywell Partners

Section 4: Legal Diligence & Documentation

· Presented by Eric Pacifici with SMB Law Group

Section 5: Insurance Diligence

· Presented by Josh Richman with Symphony Risk

Section 6: HR & Employee Benefits Diligence

· Presented by Kayla Kennedy with Living HR

Section 7: Business Broker (beginning in November's SMBootcamp Live)

· Presented by Jackie Ossin Hirsch with Crowne Atlantic Business Brokers

Night 2) Group Dinner #2 With Deal Team

Day 3) Live Case Studies + Q&A

· 5 Case Study + Q&A Sessions with successful self-funded searcher turned CEOs

Post-Bootcamp) Cohort Calls + Slack Community

Cohort Calls (1/Month For 3 Months)

• Big 3/Second 2, Search Tactics

• Financial Modeling Deep Dive

• Equity Raise Process

Slack Community (Lifetime Access)

• Join 100+ Alumni (Current Searchers + Searcher CEOs) in our tight-knit community to ask questions, neatwork, and grow on your SMB journey.

Next Steps:

If you're a current or future self-funded searcher looking to accelerate your journey to Owner CEO... SMBootcamp Live is your answer.

Apply for one the remaining 9 spots in our final bootcamp of###-###-#### November 29 – December 1, 2023) in the link below: