Hi SF Community,

I've been searching in the $1M EBITDA range, but I've started exploring larger deals and the idea of a partnership is interesting. My background is in finance (a few decades at hedge funds, mutual funds) and I'm comfortable on the financial/due diligence side. I previously worked as a generalist analyst/portfolio manager so I'm comfortable across a variety of industries. In terms of financing, outside of my own capital, I have a solid network to help support a deal. I've generally been focusing across the Mountain/Western states, but I have some flexibility.

I'm looking for a partner with a complementary skill set where we focus on open communication (I view this as a quasi-marriage!). If interested, send me a DM and I'll set up a call. Like most of us, I rather find a business sooner vs later, but I do want to spend a good amount of time getting to know each other first and if we feel we can work well together and both of us bring value, well that's the goal.