Seeking capital.
Launched in 2012, this SaaS business provides an addon for a popular Adobe software program that dramatically extends what users can do. Much of the revenue is from recurring annual software subscriptions. Less than 10% of revenue is from over a dozen premium courses on the website. YoY SDE is up 8.9%. Key Benefits: SDE Growth: The SDE growth is up 8.9% YoY. This growth is primarily due to the owner's fixed price increase across all plan types. Further plan changes could be attempted in the future. Existing Team: Five team members manage the business, with the current owner only stepping in on technical issues that have been escalated. Low Workload: The owner only works one hour a day. If a new owner would like to ramp up their time investment in the company, there are numerous directions you can take this software to grow the business further. The new owner will enter the business full time and will place renewed emphasis on marketing, sales, application and systems development. Mature Codebase: After a decade of development, most key features have been added. A new owner will still find new opportunities to improve, but much of the most important work has been done. The new owner will emphasize usability and artificial intelligence enhancement. Growth Opportunities: A new owner has multiple paths to grow the business, including testing more enterprise sales, porting a subset of the full feature set over to create more niche-specific apps, and having more room to scale up search engine traffic. Also, once the acquisition is complete, the current 1500 customers will be surveyed to determine future enhancements and capabilities that will retain them, encourage upgrades, and attract new customers with the same persona. Growth plans. Current annual revenue is around one million dollars, with 75 percent retained after expenses. The current owner takes this as a withdrawal. The new owner will reinvest to grow the business valuation 3X in the next 3 to 5 years. Growth projections are based upon the reinvestment of capital towards marketing, sales, customer service, and product enhancements, none of which are done today.

Texas, USA
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