Hi all! Appreciate help / insight from this community.

Context: I am a self-funded searcher with a very strong background on the "business side" of running a construction / home services company, but I am NOT a license holder. If I want to purchase a licensed trades business like plumbing/HVAC/electrical (looking primarily in California), I know there are a lot of different solutions to make this possible. One very clean solution would be to have a business partner that IS licensed.

Ask #1: Any good resources / ideas for how to seek out a possible licensed partner for this? I have my own network, but open to any other ideas from this community.

Ask #2: On a different topic, any resources/ideas for investors that specifically look to invest in home services / construction businesses for self-funded searches (to put some equity $ in)? I'm still early in my search, but would love any preliminary leads for when I do have a business ready for LOI.