Seeking capital.
I am Raising Debt + Equity of $1.1M for the first Phase of this plan, a recap of my existing machine shop. I am an active Owner and the main Operator. Target is around ~$400k of Equity, but open to debt investors that want first liens on hard assets. The deal is a bet on me personally. I have a long history of posts on this forum, which you can view on my profile to learn more about my philosophy and approach. No investor or lender has ever lost money on me, a trend that I will fight to keep going.
The deal is a Defense and Industrial focused package of three entities located in East TN, the first of which I acquired in Feb###-###-#### see my LinkedIn profile for website link). Several additional add-ons are available, but I am focused on two specific ones that this investment supports.
Strategic Investors that have the ability to immediately bring additional business to machine shops, powder coating, or engineering companies would have the best value add.
Financial Investors that like deals with collateral will like the ~$800k of equipment and $950k of appraised Real Estate that this deal covers.
I am looking to complete recap and first add-on in next 90 days. Equity will be invested as QSBS stock in a C-corporation.
Please comment, DM, or email for more details.
Johnson City, TN, USA
Johnson City, TN, USA
target debt
target equity
real estate
SBA eligibility
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