Looking for a buyer.
Healthcare Group, founded over 60 years ago, is one of the largest distributors of diagnostic and medical products to laboratories and hospitals in Brazil. The Group represent major international brands in in vitro technology and also sell their own brands of medical, personal care, and diabetes products. With seven distribution centers strategically located in different regions of the country, the Group are quick to deliver and provide customer care. The Group is currently expanding their operations and have moved to bigger distribution centers. Management estimates that centralizing certain operations withing the Group can reduce between 20% - 30% of the expenses. These changes could quickly result in an EBITDA above R$35 million (as shown in the table below - centralized operations). Product mix is focused on in vitro diagnostic technology, disposable medical supplies and personal care products. The Group also offer technical assistance, scientific consulting, and professional training to their customers. The GroupĀ“s Gross Revenue in 2023 was R$ 113 million (US$23 million) and adjusted EBITDA was R$ 26 million (US$5.4 million).

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exclusive representation
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