We just finished the first full review of our Search Fund journey (so far) since I started investing in the search fund asset in March 2017.  It has been a roller coaster of feelings and new experiences for all team as well as me. Of course, without the camaraderie with and great work of our searchers, collaborators and advisors, AI Global could not have been where it is today, and my team won't be so excited about what is coming.

First, I want to congratulate ^Searchfunder member‌ and ^Searchfunder member‌ of Sachem Partners as well as ^Searchfunder member‌ of Kinase Investments for becoming business owners. 

I am also proud of the work that our future business owners/searchers (^Searchfunder member‌ of Tre Cime Capital, ^Searchfunder member‌ & ^Searchfunder member‌ of Infini Capital Partners, ^Searchfunder member‌ of Syna Capital, ^Searchfunder member‌ of Quantico Capital Partners, ^Searchfunder member‌ & ^Searchfunder member‌ of Koru Nachfolge, ^Searchfunder member‌ of RJ Capital Partners, ^Searchfunder member‌ & ^Searchfunder member‌ of Arista Partners and ^Searchfunder member‌ & ^Searchfunder member‌ of Vigia Capital) are doing at their respective geographies to acquire and manage a great nano-cap business.

We want to thank them all for letting us be part of the entrepreneurial path they chose to pursue. We are grateful that they are part of our family. Keep up the great work!

Thank you, Danke, Gracias, Grazzie, Obrigado!