Earlier this year, I launched the Nuts & Bolts program with Searchfunder’s sponsorship. The first cohort was so successful that I am delighted to post that the second cohort launches in January 2023! Woo-hoo!

Based on student and mentor feedback, I have cut the duration of the course from 6 months to 90 days. The feedback on Pitch Day was also very positive. So, we will continue with the final session being a 2 to 5 minute "pitch" by the students. If you are interested in helping someone prepare for Pitch Day or act as a mentor on Pitch Day please let me know by DMing me (^Searchfunder member‌) or commenting below.

Pre-pitch mentors

I seek active searchers, CEOs and investors who are willing to act as mentors to students on their course project which is a 2 to 5 minute pitch for business owners or investors. The time commitment would be a 1 to 2 hours in video or phone conferences in March to hear students' draft pitches, provide guidance on any blind spots, and suggestions for improvement based on your experience.

Pitch day mentor

I seek investors who can provide helpful feedback to the students for our final session on Saturday, April 22nd at 9 am (Pacific/Los Angeles time). The students will provide a 2 to 5 minute narrative statement directed to a business owner or investor on their search and suitability as CEO. I would expect the time commitment to be about 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Spread the Word

The program is open to all who are interested. I ask the search fund community to make extra effort to spread the word among underrepresented communities such as black, indigenous and people of color in the United States and women professionals because their networks tend to be smaller and tend to rely on slower transmission methods such as word of mouth and person-to-person.