Update 1/30: Working through the 20+ folks that have reached out and will follow up with everyone by end of week.

Following the wisdom of a number of other searchers in the community, myself and a fellow self-funded searcher are putting together a small group of 5-10 self funded searchers to serve as peer-to-peer mentoring group throughout our respective journeys. We will likely target meeting at least bi-weekly virtually and are looking for a few additional searchers with the following criteria:

-Fully committed to acquiring/operating a business ASAP and have taken concrete steps towards such
-Eager to both support others as well as leverage the group for support
-Searching anywhere outside of Nashville or the DC/NY area (goal to get some geographical diversity)

Shoot me a DM with a bit about you, your search, and your interest if it sounds like you would be a good fit and we can go from there!