Hi folks, I'm looking for an out-of-state / non-Colorado peer(s) to evaluate deals with, bounce ideas off of, offer complementary POVs, dive into models with, discuss offer structuring, constructively challenge, etc.

Context: I just started a self/spouse-funded search, geographically focused in the Denver and Boulder metro areas. I've connected with many great folks locally, but I've observed that we seem to be looking at the same pool of deals; resulting in friendly competition and some conflicts of interest that I'd like to avoid.

What I can offer and what I'm looking for: my background is in startup operations (supply chain, logistics, FP&A, biz ops) so looking for complementary skill-sets, particularly related to transactions and deals (M&A finance, sales, marketing, biz dev).

A bit about my search so far: Size: $0.5m - $1.5m earnings | Industries: light manufacturing, home services, B2B services, distribution | Financing: personal + SBA 7a + seller note + investors for bigger deals | Progress: 2 submitted and rejected LOIs

Let me know if you're interested!