While it took me a bit to get around to announcing it, I'm very excited to share to this wonderful community that I closed my deal and I am now a searcher turned CEO of Semify LLC (read more about the acquisition here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/broadtreepartners_broadtree-partners-acquires-semify-activity-6898021202087272448-N_u1). Semify is a leading provider of white-label SEO services in the quickly growing digital marketing ecosystem. If you're looking to learn more about digital advertising, SEO, or buying a company in the not-snowy-at-all City of Rochester, please reach out!

As a part of Broadtree Partners, I'm very proud to have had the help of ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, and ^Searchfunder member‌ to get this deal closed. Could not have done it without each of you and thank you again for your help and support throughout the deal process!