We’re excited to announce that Broadtree’s portfolio of companies is growing!

Triage Partners is a national technology-enabled services and software provider that develops unique solutions for telecommunications and logistics companies. Its cloud-based software integrates seamlessly into organizations to streamline workflows and provide clear, actionable business intelligence. ^Searchfunder member‌, Broadtree Searcher and Operating Partner, will take over as President.

Han has 12 years of experience building teams and scaling processes for growth. Prior to joining Broadtree, Han launched and scaled operational initiatives at two high-growth technology companies Bird and Lyft. Before that, he led one of the largest operations teams at CoreLogic providing tech-enabled services to Fortune 100 clients. Prior to that, Han was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps with deployments to the Pacific and Middle East. He holds a BS in Ocean Engineering from the United States Naval Academy and an MBA from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business.

"What stood out about Triage was the rare combination of providing outsourcing solutions for 20 years and the innovation to recently launch a proprietary software product that meets the changing needs for their customers. I’m honored to join the team as President and partner with Pat and Dennis on this next chapter of growth,” said Triage President, James Han.

Read the full press release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/###-###-#### /en/

The Broadtree deal team for this acquisition consisted of Han, ^Searchfunder member‌, ^Searchfunder member‌, and ^Searchfunder member