A note of thanks to the SF community:

As of today I have formally launched Elevate Capital LTD and formally begin my self funded search process. Search Funds and ETA as a concept are still relatively unknown/immature in Ireland when contrasted to the US, Spain etc. so Search Funder and all it's generous contributors have been invaluable in researching my decision to exit the corporate world and pursue this path - for this I wanted to say a big thank you to all. The openness and generosity of this community is really unique.

If you're interested in investing a European Self Funded Search, please reach out at --@----.com a big thanks to Kuldeep, Sachin and the team at Get Catalyzed for doing a brilliant job of pulling together my website www.elevatecapital.ie

As I progress through the highs and lows of the search process, I look forward to being able to share insights and create value for others on this journey.
