Hey Folks. New to this platform. Introducing myself.

I’m a cost consultant with ERA Group. I live near Toronto.

We are a global financial consultancy that's been around since 1992, 1000 professionals around the world, many thousands of projects completed. No one has ever heard of us.…. That’s OK. All we do is cost reduction and process optimization for small and mid-sized companies.

We don’t advertise. What we do is add expertise and resources so that our clients can do more important things. We have a team of experts in over 40 cost categories and a 100% success-based economics model. That is, no savings = no fee. And if we do find savings, our fees come out of the savings we find (usually 15%-20% savings per category) but often much higher. So it’s an entirely self-funding model. Worst case scenario is a couple hours lost management time. Best case? Hundreds of thousands of dollars or potentially millions of savings straight to the bottom line.

Happy to connect with folks and have a conversation. Thanks.