I dont recommend start consuming your savings and go full-time on your search journey. Sooner or later you will start being biased to action and, imo, we want to be cold minded.
What i did was bought Searchfunder member
Without my real estate "passive income" my self-funded search wouln´t happened.
I bough this 3 bedroom apartment and rented the rooms. Just with it cashflows i can cover my basic life expenses.
Curious to know how you guys are funding your Self Funded Journey and, btw, if you are an Investor, a Searcher or an operator, join our PRIVATE free community "SelfFunded Room" and discover how other are making deals worldwide:
My plan was to self fund the development and use the cashflow to fund my search but I am seeing further opportunity to use this strategy as the foundation of my fund due to the high returns. My focus is to get the planning secured ( this is imminent) and then share further details but I am happy to start discussion with anyone who would be interested in discussing this strategy.