Houston happy hour on Sept 11! Our first event had 37 people show up! Our next event on September 11 will have 2 speakers (2 entrepreneurs who searched for, bought and are now running a company). We will have a private room (with a private bar!) plus lots of parking and centrally located.
Free to attend. Register here: https://ETAseptember.eventbrite.com

The event is for anyone actively searching to acquire a small business. No service providers.

NEW! This month we will have 2 speakers (successful search entrepreneurs currently running their acquired business) and a new venue.

**Location to be emailed. Please contact --@----.com if you do not receive the venue location by email. Central/inner loop with lots of parking!

5pm-7pm but some of us will be there at 4:30pm.

Agenda: 5:00pm-6:30pm: Networking 6:30pm-7:00pm: Speakers (successful acquisition entrepreneurs) 7:00pm onwards: You’re welcome to stay for more networking

We will have a private room with a private bar inside with happy hour pricing all night.

Many people at the last event said they would like a speaker and a bit quieter of a place so this month that’s what we’ll have! We’ll have a private room with our own private bar. The two speakers acquired their company a few years ago and have been successfully running the company since then.
By the way, I’m a full time searcher and not a service provider (many people asked). Just trying to build a community to support each other, refer deals that aren’t a fit for us (size or industry mismatch, for example) and learn from each other.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday Sept 11! Please register at the link above! Contact me (Reid) at --@----.com if you have any questions!