Opening a FREE Community for step ZERO:

0) Have fun, hangout with people who share your dreams and learn from those who have already done it.

1) Raise capital from anchor investors.

2) Share deal flow and tooling for your search

3) Raise your equity gap for your down payment.

4) Hire & operate

5) Co-invest.

6) Become a board member.

7) Make money from your assets, provide value to society through profitable companies and have fun (yes, again haha).

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Ps.- Join today to gain access to the recording with Bence (who built and exited a 71M Holdco through acquisitions in the transportation industry -pure gold-.

DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMER: The end goal of this room is to leverage each others searching efforts and my personal incentive is to bring more deals to my investment cometee so we can have the chance to see oportunities worldwide, invest & work with people we love and eventually be one of your board members.

Look, i think most of you guys are in an stage of your career where what you are looking for is to create a lifestyle, not just the money. So, lets do it ;)

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