Hi everyone – After seeing 50+ deals in the past year as both an M&A CPA and an independent sponsor, I kept noticing the same friction point.

Raising debt and equity is time intensive. Deadlines are tight. Banks are unreliable. One term sheet is not enough. This leads to poor economics, deal uncertainty, and a severe waste of time.
So, for our own use, my partner and I developed a solution to source more offers, faster. It blends marketing and PE expertise with AI technology to solve these issues.
We also built out a network from 150+ data sources of 209k+ capital providers that includes most providers in the US - senior lenders (14k), mezzanine lenders (2.7k), family offices (7k), private equity firms (14k), high net worth individual (98k), pension funds, and more.

We’re now offering the service in a closed beta for no-risk, success-only debt and equity raises. Guaranteeing at least 2 competitive term sheets. Only for select partners and raises above $5m.
All the work to an offer is optimized and completely done for you.
The last transaction raised 31.5m for a client in just 12 days. That was 3.5x EBITDA not including the $15m seller note!
Our website is www.fundscout.ai
Fill in the form at the bottom of the website to get in touch