It's scary to think that I'm graduating in about 2 years. I'm not particularly sure what role or industry I want to pursue and I've spent - my parents, ha - an inordinate amount of money on college. It's an uncomfortable place to be in, but I know I'm not alone - I know a bunch of my friends, classmates, and peers are still trying to figure it out themselves. Although, I don't regret college in the slightest. I've grown a lot because of it - and I wouldn't say that if it wasn't true.

I like to write. I like to invest. I like PE, VC, and IB, but I don't really know if I want to spend my career in an industry that is widely perceived amoral. I want to provide value for others. I want to be of service to others. My dream is to find a company that shares the same beliefs that I hold. Without integrity, a company is worthless - at least to me.

Don't get me wrong, I want to make money and do well for myself. But, if it's done at the expense of others, I don't want to be apart of it. I'd rather devote my career to meaningful work than to choose something expedient. Am I being naive? I don't know.

To provide value for people is good. But, to provide value and do it with integrity - that's invaluable. Not many companies can say they do that. 

What do you think?