Hey all – I run my own family office after multiple tech exits, and we've built out an entire division to help with our capital raises because we hated the inefficient traditional methods.

Our process blends our marketing background (80M+ spent on FB) and AI to create more targeted outreach at scale.

Essentially we have every investors thesis in our platform and know exactly which capital partner is the perfect fit (industry, location, check size, mandate, securities etc and 150 other data points) for your transaction.

We will blend the investors thesis with facts about your deal, and detail why its a perfect fit for them. Every message is unique to all 209k investors at scale, showing we've done our homework.

Our proprietary network of 209k capital providers includes most investors in the US: family offices (7k), private equity firms (14k) (sm./med. cap), high net worth individual (98k), senior lenders (14k), mezzanine lenders (2.7k) and more.

We'll take on a debt or equity process on a risk-free success-only basis and guarantee a minimum of 2 competitive term sheets.

Also, we're pretty restrictive in who we partner with - we spend on around $32k to run a process and we do not take retainers like other placement firms. We also often invest up to $250k in equity for the right deals.

Once we accept your deal, all the work is done for you, including CIM creation, LBO, emails, calls and meetings up to term sheet by trained PE associates with expert pedigrees through a perfected process.

Just closed out 35m in mezz for a client 2 weeks ago in 11 days (we're really fast)

Fill out the form on our website www.fundscout.ai to submit your deal and we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less.