I'm looking to better to understand how cash flow is typically distributed in a self funded SBA deal early in the life of the business.

Given the following simplistic hypothetical deal:
$3M Purchase Price

Source of Funds:
80% SBA Loan
10% Seller Note
10% Equity

SBA Loan:
$2.4M Starting Balance (80%)
$415K Annual SBA Payment (12% Rate over 10 years)

Seller Note:
$30K Annual interest only payment (10% Rate)

$100K Searcher
$200k Investor
Assume all common equity for simplicity

$1M EBITDA -> $385K cashflow (after accounting for debt payments and ~$170K Taxes)

Ignoring keeping it in retained earnings / reinvesting in the business (which I know is a big assumption) - is there a standard to how this gets allocated to the SBA, Seller Note, or equity holders? As the searcher it obviously in my best interest to pay this out as investor return, and I believe that the SBA generally allows distributions to equity holders as long as SBA loan payments are current/ within covenant. I also struggle with the concept of a standby seller note if I can distribute to equity holders, but not pay off a seller note before the SBA.