We are a transaction advisory firm. Our specialty is designing and executing roll ups. Have been doing so since the 1980's. It sounds easy, but in reality, there are numerous potholes to avoid along the way that I wish we had known 40 years ago. Whether you are considering expanding a current company or considering a sector to roll up from scratch, it all starts with an engineered assembly and financial design. You would not start building a house without a blueprint, but it is amazing how many people we speak to who are off buying companies with no design to get them to that end goal of multiples of return on value that roll ups can do if do right.

Because searchers, private equity and company owners call on us to assist them in their roll up plans, we have put together a package with all the components necessary for a professionally designed and executed roll up. You can review the package by going to https://eenginuity.com/files/Roll-Up-Package.pdf . We are happy to talk with any of you who are planning a roll up.