Finding the right SBA lender for your business acquisition can be tough. Many lenders hesitate to engage in smaller transactions while others have a threshold of not financing a deal of $1.5M> intangible assets aka 'blue sky'.
Bank lender loan portfolio headwinds can change the trajectory of credit decisions quickly. Additionally, each lender has specific industries they consider ineligible for financing, based on their individual preferences and risk assessments. It's a dynamic landscape, with bank and non-bank lenders frequently updating their preferred and non-preferred sectors.
As a business searcher, limiting yourself to 1-3 banks could be a misstep. But do you have the time to keep applying with more lenders? After all, your journey to discover a thriving business to buy was no small feat. That took time. Now, navigating the complex world of bank lending backed by the SBA? That's where my expertise shines. . For over twenty years, I've been in the thick of SBA business acquisition lending, understanding the nuances of the fact that there is no 'one-size-fits-all' change of business ownership loan package.
My connections run deep, with strong ties to numerous in-house SBA underwriting teams and decision makers. They recognize me for bringing deals that stand out for their quality. They pick up the phone when I text or call because they know I have a vetted deal.
If you're short on time but high on ambition, I've got the insights and access you need. Let's turn your business ownership dream into reality. Remember, 'In the pursuit of entrepreneurship acquisition dreams', every second counts, and so does every right connection. Let's connect, and make your dream a thriving reality.