For those of you who attended the Stanford ETA Conference last month, you will recognize Kaley Klemp, a highly sought after CEO coach, YPO forum facilitator, and best-selling author. In 2015, Kaley co-authored ⁠The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership⁠, a book that was met with instant critical and commercial success. Kaley joined me on the podcast this week to discuss:

- The most common unconscious biases that negatively impact CEOs
- Why some leaders continue to throw more hours at their craft even when doing so doesn’t necessarily result in better outcomes
- How leaders can be complicit in creating the conditions they say they don’t want
- The most frequent causes of dysfunction within the leadership team
- Challenges to the spousal relationship unique to entrepreneurs and CEOs
- ...and much more.

Please enjoy!

Conscious Leadership with Executive Coach and Best-Selling Author Kaley Klemp