(Look below to access reality, too.) (Beware of your sources of dealmaking data.) Meaning #1: Using one of any number of online tools in an attempt to uncover just how much money your friends, colleagues, neighbors, and past relationships have made (or lost) on their homes: All of a sudden Jack was sure that Sue was the perfect mate. And yet Sue was only sure that she had been Zillowed.

Meaning #2: Setting unrealistically high (or low) expectations based solely on an online “estimated market value” (and despite market feedback): Bob’s clients haven’t received a single offer on their house and now they’re actually insisting that he raise the price – they’re totally Zillowed! (zillowed.com).

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/###-###-#### /zillow-agrees-to-sell###-###-#### homes-as-it-ends-flipping-business

Insufficient context? Mostly what I try to do on LinkedIn and Searchfunder is help people adopt a more expansive view on the dealmaking playing field. The risk, online, with so many people expressing their opinion, is unrealistic perception bias can seep in.

In that context, in case you didn’t see it, here is the link to information that can help you put into perspective the kinds of statistics and representations you see in resources reporting to know what’s actually happening on the dealmaking playing field: Links & Resources for Business & Industry Profiles & Buy/Sell Stats & Comps, https://tinyurl.com/yry77car

Without those resources I and my clients would not be able to make worthwhile deals, nor to find the best opportunities as quickly.

Email me if you want a pdf of what you see on that webpage. You’ll get updates of it.