Looking for a buyer.
This barcode systems company & integration company has over 1,800 active customers in their client base! Employees include one owner, who assists with order processing, accounting, and general oversight, along with an Office Manager, Sales Manager, and one PT assistant. Their services include system solutions & integration, equipment maintenance, and fulfillment services. Offering consultation and system/product integration, clients are a mix of resellers (55%) and end-users (45%). The bulk of their sales (65%) consists of media/consumables (labels, thermal transfer ribbons, thermal tags, warehouse signs); they also sell software (asset tracking, barcode label printing, inventory control/WMS software), and hardware (barcode scanners, label printers, receipt printers, etc.). They provide services nationwide and also have international clients! They pack and ship customer-specific orders daily and distribute the shipments locally as well as nationwide using United Parcel Service and LTL freight companies. The company currently places their orders with nearly 240 vendors and keeps approximately $35K worth of inventory on hand at any given time. Along with offering a huge selection of products, they also provide printer & scanner maintenance and full-scale nationwide fulfillment services. This small but efficient team produced nearly $2,000,000 in sales in###-###-#### A new owner has a wonderful opportunity to expand into new industries or continue to run this successful business as-is Priced at $790,000, a new owner would see a 147% return on investment in the first year after debt payments. Growth is unlimited, as there are untapped markets across the country. Small businesses all the way up to large retail chains need these services to keep up with ever-evolving technology while maintaining profitability and keeping costs low. The current owner will stay on board for 3-5 years to spend the necessary time to train the new owner; the possibilities for revenue growth are exponential!

listing type
exclusive representation
Orange County, CA, USA
proposed price
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