There are some great resources on this forum for deal sourcing! Lately, I've been wrestling with optimizing one of my deal funnels, and I've got a long list of sites to check for new listings manually.

I thought Kumo might be the perfect tool to streamline this process. I could set up alerts and do manual reviews all in one place. But it seems like after three months of use, Kumo is still in beta, and they're working out some kinks. Right now, many of the external links for good deals are incorrect, and searching for the listing info on Google often turns up nothing or shows that it's been delisted months before.

I've got a support ticket in with Kumo, so fingers crossed for an update soon. In the meantime, has anyone found a reliable way to consolidate this kind of data? API would be awesome!

Or if anyone has a solid workflow they've used to optimize this process, I'd love to hear about it.