Hey Searchfunders -

Just wanted some advice and tap into the wisdom of the SF community.

My question is a 2 parter.....

The first is about Multichannel Outreach.

I know this term "multichannel" gets thrown around a lot. But can anyone talk through what channels have worked well for them (especially for older owners +45).
Just as an FYI.... I've used email outreach almost exclusively with 1% - 3% response rates. And now I'm exploring others.
Also, a followup to the first....

For prospects who've not opened emails even after multiple outreaches. Is there any channel / strategy that has worked well in driving engagement?

The second part is about the Prospect List...
If you're focusing on just 1 industry you'll eventually end up contacting nearly everyone on your list who fits your criteria. That's the predicament I'm currently in...

I've been using Data Axle (and of course Searchfunder) but every option for the next list (like Grata) comes with a pretty heafty price tag.
Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions for a solution that doesn't burn a hole in your budget.