Hi all - working on a deal under LOI and would appreciate any referrals or intros/suggestions for which lenders may be able to assist with conventional loan financing on the following:

Pool Construction business that does about $4.3M+ in adjusted EBITDA TTM-Mar24 and about $18.6M net revenue top line.

Looking to speak with lenders/alternative lenders for a conventional loan of about $13M and what the high level general terms and rates would be?

On a high level, the deal structure is as follows:

$19M Purchase price 15% Seller Note - $2.85M 20% Seller Rollover Equity - $3.8M 65% Bank Loan Financing (which is what we would need the conventional loan for less min downpayment) of about $13M if you include bank loan origination fees

Please DM me or comment below or email me at --@----.com - thanks!