XBRL is one of the investing world's best kept secrets..

The CFA Institute extols the value of XBRL, yet few analysts know much about it. But in 70 countries around the world, regulators swear by XBRL, or eXtensible Business Reporting Language as its full form reads. Like the SEC in the US who require public companies to report in XBRL.

It is a reporting standard adopted by regulators: of capital markets like the SEC in the US, by central banks like the Reserve Bank of India and by business registries in many countries like Singapore. From January 2021, all public companies in Europe have to report in XBRL.

So then what is XBRL and what are the benefits? To help you appreciate the usefulness of XBRL and the benefits it has already delivered, we are putting together a 45 minute webinar a week from now.

As someone who has just joined this forum, it is my offering to my fellow members in this community. Thank you for your attention.

S. Swaminathan
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