I think you are missing out on tons of valuable discussions on business buying and operating if you are not using Twitter. It's difficult for me to describe without you seeing it & being on the platform for 2 days to 'get it'.

-valuable thought provoking discussions on SMB buying
-operators talking about behind the scenes things happening right now in their biz
-how-to guides on literally every topic you can imagine by experts
-DM and meet other entrepreneurs in various stages (considering, actively searching, investors, etc)
-if you're a service provider, you can sell your service to people on Twitter (lawyer, accountant, QoEs, etc) as long as you first provide the community valuable content

I wish Searchfunder & Twitter existed before I bought my first business in###-###-#### Would have saved me a lot of money & time, and I would have been a better operator. Thankful these resources now exist.

Follow me and I'll show you all the best things about Twitter: https://twitter.com/bentigg