1. Insufficient industry-specific experience or knowledge.

2. Technology or cybersecurity fantasies.

3. Unclear understanding of the business' value proposition.

4. Lack of a clear rationale for buying the business.

5. Feeble bridge from where the searcher is to where s/he wants to go.

6. Unconvincing, worrisome, evasive behaviors and communications.

7. Unpreparedness

8. Financial

9. Age, gender, race, health, or location concerns.

10. Unrealistic expectations.

11. Resistant to address weaknesses or challenges.

12. Limiting alternative deal structures.

13. Unclear timeline for the sale process.

14. Bothersome or no qualified advisors.

15. Personality conflicts.

16. Won’t provide references or questionable performances.

17. Won’t disclose outstanding debts, liabilities, litigation, reputational issues.

18. Confidentiality concerns.

19. Unwillingness to assume liability.

20. High-pressure tactics.

21. Insufficient transparency.

22. Lack of cultural fit.

23. Legal or regulatory issues.

24. Weak willingness to take on risk.

Remember, these are just some of the potential factors that can cause people to repel potential buyers. It's important for searchers and buyers to be transparent, cooperative, and professional during the factfinding and negotiation process. By doing so, they can increase their chances of attracting worthwhile sellers and securing a successful acquisition.

You’ll hear specific examples and what to do about it if you attend my upcoming Searchfunder Event Zoominar: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApde-ppzgpGtMSF97mY24INP-VQh9RuAnY