HoldCo Survey's comprehensive report is here!

  • Only 86% of HoldCos are acquiring more businesses. We thought it would be 100%.
  • Some HoldCos start companies, and the main reason they do it is because they can see an opportunity from their current portfolio. However, only 46% of HoldCos actually recognize that opportunity.
  • We inquired about hiring overseas, and despite everyone expressing positivity about it, 24% of them described it as awesome, while 76% admitted they were still figuring it out.
  • When HoldCos engage in hiring overseas, they prefer direct hiring over agencies or recruiters.
  • We asked about the 2023 outlook, and the primary concern was soft demand.

    LINK TO SURVEY REPORT: https://assets.website-files.com/63ceb203a1e17b45008065e9/64ac279a3c1cd35910d1a9eb_HCS%20Survey%20Results%20digital%20.pdf