Looking for a buyer.
This is a case management workflow provider within the health plan space serving approximately 4.3M lives on their platform. Company was founded in 1983 and is a leading provider of software designed to support health plans, TPAs, ACOs, and other risk-bearing organizations. Designed to help improve utilization, case, disease, and population health management performance and effectiveness, The team of US based clinicians and developers are recognized for their best-in-class managed care expertise and customer support. Leveraging deep domain expertise, its integrated workflow and analytics software enables clients in health plans, TPAs, ACOs, and other risk-bearing organizations to: increase revenue, reduce expenses, improve quality, and manage risk. Its software platform can support multiple populations, including: commercial, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Dual-Eligible, CHIP, self-funded, and multi-state.

listing type
personal introduction
California, USA
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