Looking for a buyer.
Summary Specializing in powersports parts, accessories & clothing, this Pennsylvanian company has a stable growth trend between 10-15%! Specialized retailer for power sport vehicles, tailored services, and quality products like side-by-sides, motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, parts and accessories. The dedicated service department offers maintenance, repair, seasonal inspections and services. Customer segmentations are split in 90% Residential markets and 10% Commercial work. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) warranties range from six months to three years depending on the product. Projections climb to $6.5 Million into 2024, 2023 Revenues totaled $6,442,836 with Discretionary Earnings of $391,952. Commercial location is 30,000 square feet and sits on an 18-acre lot. Property is complete with office spacing, showrooms, waiting area, part departments, and a warehouse! Sold separately.

listing type
exclusive representation
Pennsylvania, USA
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