If you have ever thought about getting out of your current 9-5 or have had dreams of a fulfilling retirement, then this may be for you.

Most people have given up on these hopes and dreams due to personal circumstances such as finances, lack of education, and just plain fear of everything going on in the world.
The fact is, all of these things may be a reality, but they are not the truth.
The truth is roughly 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 and looking to retire every single day making it the opportune time to step in and acquire an absentee owned, turnkey, cash flowing business.
You might be saying to yourself, “Cool, but how does that apply to me? I’ve never owned a business?” That’s totally fine, I’m hear to tell you that you don’t have to let those things stop you from acquiring your own business. Our team here at Just Deal Flow was created for the specific reason to help walk you through the process with our done with you service.

We have a 4 step process where we:

  • Source the deal for you
  • Analyze the deal for you
  • Help you gain access to the capital you need
  • Help you close and finalize the deal
    From there, we then consult you on next steps to make sure you continue to keep your turn key business thriving as you continue to cash flow.
    If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a call with us today to get a complimentary strategy session and demo to see how it could possibly work for you.