Earlier this year, I launched the Nuts & Bolts program with Searchfunder’s sponsorship. The first cohort was so successful that I am launching the second cohort in January 2023! I’m posting this to give Searchfunder members a heads up on early enrollment because applying during early enrollment saves 20% off of the tuition.

What the program delivers

Nuts & Bolts is for you if you are an early, mid or late-stage career professional who wants to:

  • Determine if buying a business so you can grow it is the right path for you.
  • Learn practical tips for success and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Scope out what your new CEO position should look like so that you are looking for a solid business that’s the right fit for you.
  • Develop a specific and actionable plan for becoming a business owner.
  • Practice speaking with investors and other acquisition entrepreneurs in a supportive setting about your story, your strengths and your goals.

Within 90 days, you will leave the course with 3 things:

  • Pitch: a 2 to 5-minute narrative suitable for an investor or a business owner
  • Plan: an action plan with your key concerns and next steps
  • Peers: A diverse cohort of searchers for lasting relationships and information sharing

As part of the course, you will also receive:

  • Primer: Based on hundreds of interviews and conversations with search fund community members, I have developed an workbook for this course. This exclusive workbook is about 200 pages. It covers the key stages of search, provides worksheets and exercises, and a curated compendium of resources for each topic.

  • Pipeline: Access to a pipeline of information through my newly created videolibrary of interviews with searchers, CEOs and investors. The videolibrary is searchable and indexed/tagged with complete transcripts.

I accept students in all phases of the journey. However, the course is best suited for professionals who have at least 6 months before their launch.

Spread the Word

The program is open to all who are interested. I ask the search fund community to make extra effort to spread the word among underrepresented communities such as black, indigenous and people of color in the United States and women professionals because their networks tend to be smaller and tend to rely on slower transmission methods such as word of mouth and person-to-person.