UPDATE: our first webinar is next Wed, 5/12! "What to look for when acquiring a light manufacturer" with Sam Rosati. Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pb0VWYvAQtW-phtgnfgoNw

As I’m investing in more self-funded search deals, I’m trying to gain an in-depth understanding of the top industries in ETA. Landscaping, HVAC, manufacturing, wholesale distributors, etc. But rather than keep that insight to myself, I’d like to share it all with the broader Searchfunder community.

For the next few months, I’m hosting a bi-weekly webinar series where existing operators — past searchers who’ve already acquired a company — will share their experience and dig into the specifics of their industry. Areas we’ll cover:

  • - Why this industry is ripe for ETA
  • - What good vs great companies look like
  • - Where to spend the most time during diligence (and what data/metrics to analyze)
  • - Major pitfalls to avoid
  • - Hardest part about operating a business in this space
  • - Biggest lessons learned since acquiring their company

Interested? Please fill out this short survey with the industries you’re most excited about: https://forms.gle/kCwLXJiJuSuL6dME6 I’ll follow up next week to schedule our first one!

Thanks Tony --@----.com