Hello, Searchfunders!

Last month, we kicked off meetups for self-funded searchers, DACH searchers and Latin American searchers. Searchers found the meetups to be so helpful that they are now recurring sessions. This month, we launch our first meetups for SaaS searchers and our military veterans. For these meetups, please come prepared to speak or chat with your fellow searchers,. Don't worry about the usual atmospherics of your "office mates," such as spouses/partners/roommates, dogs, cats, kids, elders, and delivery doorbells.

Want a fast way to get to registration? Please click thisSearchfunder memberlinkSearchfunder memberMarch live stream calendar, where you can click on any event for its Zoom registration page. Most Searchfunder events are open to the public who are interested in the topic. 

All Searchfunder events are listed on the right side of the home Timeline page or by going to our event page on LinkedIn. For our catalog of past events, click here.

Searching is Better Together,

Karen, Mark & Luke