Hiring during a recession is more important than ever. In high inflation, the cost of goods and raw materials as well as employee wages will go up while interest rates may also increase which all hints at an upcoming economic storm everyone needs to prepare for by being efficient when hiring staff members in order to keep their businesses healthy through this difficult time which will eventually help you maintain profitability while there are other contractions elsewhere in the industry taking place!

Here are a few tips to look beyond lay-offs during recession:

Upskill your current employees

As the economy worsens and demand for your products or services decreases, it is important to consider reskilling rather than firing workers. This may be able help you maintain core business operations during this time through increased productivity as well as new skills development in key positions where shortages exist.

The effects of a recession can quickly spread across many industries; however there are still ways around cutting back on staff numbers at one point if necessary - training employees who already have certain qualifications could prove invaluable when trying not only stay afloat but also thrive!

Hiring part-time workers/contractors

When the economy is healthy, hiring a full-time worker to fill an empty role makes sense. But as we approach another recession and labor shortage continues across many industries - companies may find themselves with less choice than before when looking for workers who can do everything from filing documents on your computer screen all day long! Employers might have trouble finding full-time workers now that the economy has slowed down - so instead of just filling one role with an individual employee they should consider staffing two or more different positions at once by utilizing part-time workers who are willing and able to work as needed.

To make up for this lost production value in revenue due largely because people don't have jobs anymore or simply need additional income sources beyond their traditional employment-some people will turn towards side hustles which offer them flexibility while also contributing positively!

Working remotely

If you're looking to save money on labor costs, consider hiring remote workers. In addition they will be able to provide an additional benefit of saving revenue due the flexibility that comes with being virtual employees rather than having someone come into your office space and use up resources such as rent or food options close by; this can really add up over time!

Companies have many costs they can cut because the labor force is their most expensive asset. When planning your hiring strategy for a downturn, consider remote work rather than bringing workers back on-site where rent and building maintenance will eat away at your bottom line.

Remote employees save money by eliminating some upfront expenses associated with having them live near one another or travel from home base every day while others may not even need an office space!