As an American searcher, are you aware that you might be able to receive $10M+ of your exit proceeds completely free of federal tax? As a Canadian searcher, are you aware that you might be able to receive $1M+ of your exit proceeds completely free of federal tax? If you’re not, then you might want to give today's episode a listen:

We split today’s episode into two parts: In the first half, I'm joined by Kevin Christmas and Brandon Bloom from Holland & Knight to explore the QSBS program (aka Section###-###-#### offered by the United States federal government.

In the second half (starting at the 47 minute mark), I'm joined by Kali Baraniski, a Sr. Manager in EY's Private Tax practice, to explore the CCPC program and the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption offered by the Canadian federal government.

Although tax is nobody's favorite topic, both programs have the potential to be incredibly lucrative for searchers and investors alike, though both remain unfamiliar to many. I hope this episode plays a small role in changing that.

How to Get Your Exit Proceeds (Mostly) Tax Free