Email me if you want a recording of the event. It was a good group!
Searchers, worldwide, are registering: NZ, AU, UK, USA and Canada. Searching but not finding enough worthwhile opportunities? Losing deals to other buyers? Let’s talk about it. Participate for answers. Progress more productively.

Click "Going" and now use the link to advance-register.
Trying to protect the confidentially for searchers who want it, this event will not be live-streamed on Searchfunder or anywhere else.

Questions Searchers Are Asking

Should I avoid brokers because they create buyer competition?

How do you know if you’re competing with other buyers?

What penalties can I suffer because of buyer competition?

When am I most likely to encounter or discover buyer competition?

What should I do when sellers or brokers tell me other buyers are interested in the company I am evaluating?

How can I know when to hold 'em or fold 'em when facing buyer competition?

What if sellers or brokers say I must beat a competing buyer's price or other terms of purchase?

What’s the most effective way to beat or avoid buyer competition?

Other than competing with me to buy a business, are there other ways buyer competition can hurt me?

How can I turn buyer competition against itself?

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