Searchfunder was thrilled to host our first ever Global Intern Happy Hour on June 25th.  Search fund interns from all over the world joined in a lively discussion about their work, their interest in search funds, and their search fund related goals.  Additionally, the interns received a sneak peek from Searchfunder of soon to be released analysis on search fund formation and acquisition data for 2019 to better understand the current state of search funds, and predict future trends.  The interns offered impressive insights, and showed off their creativity in drink and snack selections.  The event was such a success that we’ve decided to hold another.

Search fund interns: You are invited to join our Mid-Summer Global Intern Happy Hour on Thursday, July 23rd at 2 p.m. PST.

We look forward to seeing you (and your creative beverages) then! Be sure to tell your friends!